W poniedziałek 7 grudnia 2015 r. uczennice  klasy technikum w zawodzie technik technologii odzieży z Zespołu Szkół Licealnych i  Technicznych im. Juliusza Słowackiego uczestniczyły w warsztatach poświęconych pielęgnacji i przygotowaniu cery pod makijaż. Zajęcia odbyły się w Laboratoriach Kosmetologii Pielęgnacyjnej oraz Wizażu i Stylizacji Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Techniczno-Ekonomicznej im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu.  Były to kolejne ćwiczenia w ramach...
Upper Secondary EducationJarosław County is a strong educational centre, providing young people with a wide range of fields of study. There is fourteen upper secondary schools and educational institutions, attended by almost 6 thousand students.Schools educate future workers, among others, in classes of construction, surveying, medical-environmental, legal-humanistic and technological profiles. In upper secondary schools there is the possibility of creating...


Tourism and RecreationThe natural qualities of Jarosław County: water reservoirs, high class lakes, vast forests and varied terrain create favourable conditions for the development of economic activities in the field of tourism, recreation and sports. Local authorities and the local community expect the prospective investors to use ecological modern technology and operate in harmony with the environment.Rivers of the county...


attractive border location on the East-West route, well-developed infrastructure and a network of local roads , designated areas for investments (including Subzone Radymno, Subzone Jarosław, Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Mielec) great human potential and rich reserve of manpower, good potential technical staff, favourable age structure of the population, developed network of health care institutions, the variety of types of vocational...


The local labour market in the Jarosław County needs development. At the end of 2014, in the County Labour Office in Jarosław there was registered 9 220 unemployed, including 4 457 women. The unemployment rate at the beginning of 2015 amounted to 17.75% (end of April). Need for the individual occupations on the local labour market is monitored by the...


Jarosław County is an agricultural-industrial area, with industry concentrated in Jarosław.The predominant branch of industry is food processing, which results from the agricultural nature of the county. Gradually, the existing agricultural nature of the activity is replaced with manufacturing, agro-food activities, services in the field of tourism, agro-tourism, recreation and sports, health, hotel industry and gastronomy.Location of Jarosław County in...


In addition to well-developed transport infrastructure, investors are also awaited by developed logistics base.Logistics Centre Medyka - ŻurawicaNear the border with Ukraine, there is located the Logistics Centre Medyka – Żurawica, conducted by PKP Cargo. The Centre supports the trade, primarily between the EU countries and Ukraine and Russia. It has 6 terminals adapted to handling any materials, and specializes...


The network of roads and railway linesJarosław County's location near communication routes and proximity of the border crossings create favorable conditions for investment.The area of the Jarosław County is crossed by A4 motorway (E40) Jędrzychowice -Wrocław-Katowice-Rzeszów-Korczowa. The road continues the run of the German motorway A4 from Dresden and constitute the part of the direct European route: East-West E40.The drivers...


The customs administration responds to the expectations of investors engaged in economic activities of cross-border nature. The nearest customs office supporting the area of the Jarosław County is located in Przemyśl, and its organizational structure consists of 6 customs offices: Customs Office in Przemyśl, Customs Office for Railroad in Przemyśl – Medyka, Customs Office in Medyka, Customs Office in Jarosław,...
