The customs office and customs agencies

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  • The customs office and customs agencies. The customs administration responds to the expectations of investors engaged in economic activities of cross-border nature. The nearest customs office supporting the area of the Jarosław County is located in Przemyśl, and its organizational structure consists of 6 customs offices: Customs Office in Przemyśl, Customs Office for Railroad in Przemyśl – Medyka, Customs Office in Medyka, Customs Office in Jarosław, Customs Office in Korczowa, Customs Office in Budomierz.
The customs administration responds to the expectations of investors engaged in economic activities of cross-border nature. The nearest customs office supporting the area of the Jarosław County is located in Przemyśl, and its organizational structure consists of 6 customs offices: Customs Office in Przemyśl, Customs Office for Railroad in Przemyśl – Medyka, Customs Office in Medyka, Customs Office in Jarosław, Customs Office in Korczowa, Customs Office in Budomierz.


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